We Barely Bang! Relationship Sex Ruts, Bringing the Mojo back, Sexual Compatibility, Passion vs Compassionate Love

Listen to episode 10 HERE

Lets. Get. Intimate. This week we are talking all things Sex & Relationships, and more specifically, why sexy time begins to diminish with your significant other.

Andrea Syrtash,  author of several dating and relationship books including “Cheat on Your Husband, With your Husband” AND “He’s Just not your type: and that’s a good thing” is our expert this week and she breaks down why we get into sex ruts in the first place and provides USABLE tips and tools to bring the mojo back. We...

It’s Wedding Season! Momzillas, Missing Brides, Money Saving tips, Wedding Etiquette and MORE

Listen to the Wedding Season Episode HERE!


Spring has Sprung and that means Wedding Season is in the air! Now I don’t know about you guys but I actually love wedding season. Free food, dressing up, open bar – that’s all my favorite things. But I know it can get old fast and become a real #bigkidproblem if you’re shelling out a ton of money over and over again to celebrate OTHER...

The Anxiety Episode: Finding the root causes of our anxiety, How to treat it, When to seek professional help, Free, cheap and natural resources to help you every single day


Listen to The Anxiety Episode HERE!

This week, we are getting into it folks. We are diving into a BIG #Bigkidproblem that I’m sure has affected 100% of you listening at one point or another. This – is the Anxiety Episode. Maybe you struggle with anxiety every day or maybe you just had a super stressful period like a breakup or a job loss – but one thing is for certain. You either have or will face anxiety at one point or another.

Word of warning… this episode is...

Episode 7: When Your Friends Start getting Pregnant on Purpose: What its really like being pregnant, weird things no one prepares you for, fertility options, egg freezing, birth anxiety



Listen to Episode 7 HERE!

Nothing will make you put your life into perspective quite like when you’re friends start getting pregnant on purpose. One day you’re all eating chicken nuggets on the floor of your apartment and the next, you’re picking out nursery room colors. Life happens fast man.

In this episode,  we’re going to talk about ALL kinds of things related to pregnancy and fertility. So regardless if you’re female OR male - this episode will be eye-opening.  First, our roundtable is with Bravo TVs’ Ashley Wirkus...

Episode 6: I Miss my Metabolism! Ways our lifestyle & stress effects our bodies over time, fad diets, dad-bods, and reprogramming your brain and body image to live longer, healthier lives

Listen to Episode 6 HERE!

Quick show of hands if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by your metabolism? It seems like just yesterday we could eat an XL pizza by ourselves and now if we even look at a carb we gain 3 lbs? WHAT GIVES? This week we are joined by Lauren Wirkus and Lindsay Hubbard from Bravo TV’s Summer House to talk about our guiltiest late night eats, putting on ‘love pounds’, stress eating, fad diets we’ve failed at, and the effects...